In here, you can find important announcements, downloads, and reccomendations, right now there is currently 1 blog and it's this, because this site has just started! Congrats to be early here.
So iv'e once been uploading a 4K video called The polar express scene [4K] but i put deja vu, while uploading it got copyrighted, because of the clip i was using and the music i wanted to put on, all content was not really original, i just decided to upload this video because every simmilar video i saw was good, but not perfect enough, and now i see why, its because the content is restricted, and i got my own version, its 4K and music was placed well, so if you want to watch it click the button bellow.
downloadThis is the same reason why i left myspace93, so it all started months ago on Jaden's discord server that used to be cool, but now the TODS (The Official Discord Server aka Jaden's official server) is shut down, and i know who caused it, not just for me, but other ones too, So i quited server, joined again, then later quit it again and join again, stayed for a little while, and everything changes, everyone got so bored that they decide to do different stuff, some of them were the ones that almost killed the server later, others bullied me, and what did i did while i was bored, Well i decided to use a 2nd account but i didin't mention that to anyone, then when later they found out, consequences started happening in TODS, one of them was that i was forced to stop using different alts i have, so yeah, i stayed again, but then i got bullied more often, so i decide to do that again but a lil bit more sneakier, but accidentally revealed i was using the alt, was forced again, then i got mad and quit, later someoene told me to join back, and the server is half dead, so then i decided to close my myspace93 page for some days and people were pretending i was dead, later when the page is back online, the funeral is off, then koala quits server and another funeral ceremony is made, then another one is made, i really saw how server was dying because of how many people are quitting while my ceremony was going, and after my myspace93 page is back i worked on a new game project, (wich rn is delayed but maybe it will be back on development some day) it was going well, TinCS helped me with music of it and it successfully got all soundtracks of the game. Its now 2021 and TODS was really death raging that the server funeral ceremony was made, Then i was the one who quitted it too, then a few months later the TODS died, then i was invited to the Earl Gray T's server, it was kinda cool, but it was about to unexpectingly get worse, when i did the same thing i did before, someone explained that i was bad at hiding alts, then we did a talk then another guy joins the chat and yeah... Then i sent a trollge nuke because of how i was annoyed, wich caused me to get banned from all myspace servers, koala said her last words in my server telling what i've done and then saying goodbye, i deleted those messages because i didin't wanted to spread of what happened to 93 servers, sooooo, yeah, this is why i quited myspace93 and what caused it, i bet none of you read the whole thing but its okay...
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